My lawyer won't answer the phone

You interview with an attorney, a very friendly attorney. You hire that attorney.

Now, whenever you call the attorney's office you get voicemail, or an assistant tells you that the attorney is in conference, in a meeting, away at court, or otherwise unavailable. You have a question, you'd like an answer. Sorry, you'll have to wait. Weekend? Forget it.

Maybe you should hire an attorney who will give you his or her cell number. Someone who will answer your call 7 days a week, and answer your questions when they are fresh.

I run a small law firm, but I like to say that I offer world-class customer service. In reality I simply give out my cell phone number, and then answer it when it rings. That should not be such an unbelievable concept, but it apparently is.

If you'd like some answers for your situation, I can be reached at 312-493-4241. I mean I can actually be reached at that number.

- Kevin Johnson

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