Decisions to be made by the client, and by the divorce and custody attorney

It is always important for me to have a clear understanding with clients about our respective roles.  I often use the analogy of airline pilot and a passenger:  I'm like an airline pilot -- I am "in charge" of getting to the destination, my client is like an airline passenger, and is my source of detailed information on what destination (goal) should be pursued.  I must decide how to achieve those goals -- to get to the client's destination.  So, just like a passenger on a airliner can't come into the cockpit, grap the steering yoke and try to fly the plane, my client can't be "in charge" of the case. 

For example:  Does my client want to have his child live with him?  Get the child back from another state?  Prevent ongoing interference with his parenting time?  Make a parenting schedule more clear, prevent misunderstandings about school and health decisions, or otherwise lower the volume and temperature of the case?  Or are there safety concerns, and should there be limits and safeguards on the other parent's parenting time?

What about assets in a divorce?  For example, a house purchased during the marriage -- should it be sold or does she want to pay the spouse a share of equity?   Or be paid her share of equity and let the spouse keep it?  How should the family business be divided?  What about dividing stock accounts, stock options or pension benefits?  Details, details, details!

The 'how to get there' could involve filing petitions, motions, using experts, employing various discovery methods (including obtaining written and verbal testimony and gathering written evidence.)  The 'how to get there' could also involve household strategies, child-protection strategies, communication and planning strategies.  Those are all mine to decide, in close cooperation with the client.

Hiring a family-law attorney is a big step, because he or she will be "in charge" of your case, and deciding on methods.  You are basically trusting that person with your life, and with the future of any children.  If you would like me to analyze your situation, either before a case if filed, or after your case has been continuing for many years, please give me call.   My analysis is not a 'consultation' or 'sales pitch.'  Instead, I will treat you like family, answer all of your questions, and give you my perspective on your rights, obligations, applicable laws, current rules, and possible strategies and outcomes. 

My cell number is 312-493-4241 and I answer the phone 7 days/week.

Kevin Johnson

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