Simple answers to seemingly-complicated problems

It is amazing how much time, energy and money is expended on disputes between spouses, partners, ex-spouses and ex-partners when children are involved.  Some of these examples lend themselves to easy resolution, but there is often a momentum to the court case that seems unstoppable.  Some examples of these common disputes:
  • Late pickups or dropoffs of the children for parenting time.
  • Failure to cooperate in allowing one parent to call children while in the company of other parent.
  • Last-minute cancellations or disruptions to parenting time.
  • Parenting-time schedules that are so variable or unclear that they lead to disputes and misunderstanding (or deliberate manipulation).
  • Use of the children to pass information, announcements, questions and comments between the parents.
  • One parent's obligation to contribute toward the children's medical and dental expenses incurred by the other parent.
  • Accusations about late or missing child-support payments.
I have seen more of these disputes than you can imagine, in my fifteen years practicing here in Chicago.  If you seem to be stuck in a never-ending cycle of conflict, with your children caught up in the drama and suffering more day-by-day, please give me call so we can sit down and talk about it.  I may be able to offer some completely-different approaches (not industry standard, by any means) to solving or resolving the disputes.  As I sometimes say, my hope is to lead you "Out of the darkness, into the sunlight."

- Kevin Johnson
  cell# 312-493-4241


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